Jun 16, 2007

Bangalore Photography Club

'Bangalore Photography Club is an association of amateur, aspiring professional, professional, as well as photography enthusiasts, all from different walks of life.' (Extract from their website)

Amazing website with galleries that takes you out of the world! Some samples from their gallery...

Exciting to be part of their club! Wanna join? You have the application form here, but they insist you need to visit them personally too to finalize your membership. Check out if you are interested.

Jun 11, 2007

Indian Music and Critical Thought

"I have been studying music since I was young. I played trumpet, both classical and jazz, as well as medieval and renaissance wind instruments such as the cornetto, krumhorn, and recorder. I took years classes of at the Juilliard conservatory before going to college, where I got a BA in music. Yet, I always felt there was something missing in my music education"

".... -- shouldn't I have all the critical thinking tools I needed to understand any piece of music? I went into the music library for some deeper explorations, and there, listening to Indian and Javanese musics, I sat dumbfounded, realizing, after so many years of study, just how far from having those tools I was."

"Through my study of Indian music, which will surely take me the rest of my life, I am truly beginning to feel as though I understand music, one of my great loves"

Understanding Indian music from a non Indian is to Introspect our values. Its like someone pointing at how valuable we are. The above is what a Jazz/Western musician says about his experience in transformation into Indian Music (Hindustani.) Great reading. Visit the page HERE